Bill Cooper of Meridian Designs sent me an email yesterday laying out a bunch of fun names for JSSM. I’ve included all of them below with his commentary for everybody’s enjoyment:
“History Object Widget” HOW (or anything appropriate that initializes to HOW :)
“Manage All Script Histories” MASH
“Hash All Script Histories” HASH
“Nathan’s All Script Histories” NASH
“All Script History” ASH
“Simply Manage All Script Histories” SMASH (!)
“History Application Manager” HAM (I’m hungry right now)
“Forward And Backward” FAB
I particularly like SMASH. I’m going to have to come up with some other project where that acronym works. I’d love to have a reason to yell “JavaScript SMASH!” every now and then.
Well, while acronyms are neat…
what does the code do? does it manage the history with javascript? then why not call it Javascript History Manager?